This project is part of the #dailylogochallenge where designers create logos for 50 days following the provided brief. 
Brief: Design a logotype for a big fashion brand. 
I selected the name "OAKAO", which to me sounded like a minimal high-end Japanese fashion brand. So I went with the classic Avenir font adding minimal bends on the letters "A", making the logotype look simple but distinctive. I also did a quick branding aiming for a minimal but vibrant look for the brand by adding unique brush drawings with gradients. Those organic forms specially designed for the brand supported its high-end stance.
Logo design is a process that can take months of work. I allow myself not more than a few hours a day for these challenges. This includes sketching, conceptualizing, and presenting with appropriate mock-ups. I try to make them look complete in a way I'd enjoy myself.

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